APL Colloquium

December 13, 2002

Colloquium Topic: Ethics in Science, Engineering, and Organizations

Complex organizations are always confronted with a variety of ethical issues. This is equally, and sometimes more profoundly, acute in scientific and engineering communities. This presentation will engage the audience in addressing some of the ethical quandaries and issues confronting big science today. There will be some broad comparisons between applied physics, engineering, biology, medicine and chemistry looking to establish a common ground of ethical issues between them. Additionally, there will be a comparison on how these questions relate to the ethical focus in government and business today.

Colloquium Speaker: Stuart Gilman

Dr. Stuart C. Gilman received his bachelor's degree from the University of New Orleans, followed by a master's and Ph.D. in political science from Miami University. He has been a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University and a N.E.H. Fellow at the University of Virginia. He is a graduate of the Senior Managers in Government Program at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. In February 2002 he assumed the position of the Ethics Resource Center (ERC) president after a 17-year career in the federal government. Prior to joining ERC, Dr. Gilman served as the director of strategic development at the Office of the United States Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, where he was responsible for coordinating and directing initiatives to enhance efficiency and eliminate waste, fraud and abuse in the Internal Revenue Service. He was a member of the American delegation that negotiated the Organization of American States Inter-American Convention Against Corruption. He was part of the planning groups that designed Global Anticorruption Forum I (in Washington DC) and Global Forum II (in the Hague). At the request of the respective governments, Dr. Gilman has traveled to and acted as a consultant to the Administrative Control Authority in Egypt, the Parliament and the Public Service Commission of the Republic of South Africa, the National Office of Public Ethics in Argentina and the Ministry of Supervision in China. Dr. Gilman has had a distinguished government and academic career including faculty appointments at the University of Richmond and Saint Louis University. He also served as professor of Public Policy and American Institutions at the Federal Executive Institute where he held a joint appointment with the University of Virginia's Institute of Government. He has taught or served as a visiting faculty member at Georgetown University, George Washington University, the University of Southern California and the University of Gottingen (Germany). Dr. Gilman is widely published in the areas of policy and public management including several books, articles and journals.