APL Colloquium

October 18, 2002

Colloquium Topic: Applied Research Laboratory at Pennsylvania State University: An Overview

Dr. Liszka will provide an overview briefing of the Applied Research Laboratory, including background, mission, core competencies, technical and programmatic highlights, organizational structure and funding. As a university center of research excellence in naval science and technologies, with preeminence in undersea missions and related areas, the Applied Research Laboratory provides solutions to problems in national security, economic competitiveness, and quality of life. In fulfillment of this mission, the Laboratory performs basic and applied research, exploratory development, advanced development, and manufacturing technology in support of the Navy technology base; champions the transfer of advanced technologies and manufacturing processes, in partnership with industry and Navy research and development centers, to acquisition programs and fleet operations, as well as to other government agencies and the private sector; and, contributes to the educational objectives, research goals, and public service outreach of The Pennsylvania State University.

Colloquium Speaker: Edward Liszka

Dr. Edward Liszka recently assumed the directorship of Penn State's Applied Research Laboratory. With degrees in electrical engineering and engineering acoustics from The Pennsylvania State University, Dr. Liszka received his Ph.D. in applied physics (acoustics) from The Catholic University of America. From 1965 to 1982, he worked in Washington D.C. at the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) where he served as a program manager for undersea weapons guidance and control, and also underwater acoustics science and technology. He later served as head of the undersea warfare sensor and control branch. From 1982 through 1984, Dr. Liszka served as technical director and deputy program manager for the advanced lightweight torpedo program at NAVSEA. Concurrent with that assignment, he also was the U.S. project officer for international data exchange on undersea weapons under the auspices of the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for science and technology, international plans and programs. During December of 1984, Dr. Liszka arrived at Penn State where he assumed a leadership role as associate director of ARL's undersea systems office. For the last year-and-a-half, Dr. Liszka served as Chief Scientist (Research and Technology) for the Chief of Naval Research, Office of Naval Research in Washington, D.C.