APL Colloquium

March 15, 2002

Colloquium Topic: Counterterrorism

FBI's role in terrorism investigations, specifically the role of the Domestic Terrorism Program will be discussed beginning with FBI's definition of terrorism and the differentiation between International and Domestic Terrorism (DT). The FBI's investigative authority and statutory safeguards will be presented. The speaker will then address DT groups and ideology, outline issues relative to Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), and the FBI's response to a WMD incident. This will lead into a review of the FBI's liaison efforts with other federal agencies and state and local law enforcement. Finally, the speaker will give a short overview of new tools and authorities granted to the FBI with the passage of the Patriot Act.

Colloquium Speaker: James F. Jarboe

Mr. James F. Jarboe joined The FBI in 1980 and currently heads the Counterterrorism Division, Domestic Terrorism/Counterterroris Planning Section at the FBI Headquarters. He has previously served as the Assistant Special Agent in charge of the Salt Lake City Field Office; Supervisor of the Civil Rights, Violent Crimes, and Drug Programs in Tennessee Division; Supervisor for coordinating background investigations and security checks for White House employees and Presidential appointments at the Headquarters, and as an investigator in the St. Louis and Los Angeles Offices, working violent crime and white collar crime investigations. Before joining the FBI, Mr. Jarboe served as a Naval Flight Officer as an A-6 Attack Squadron based aboard the Aircraft Carrier U.S.S. Constellation and achieved the rank of Lieutenant in the military. Mr. Jarboe holds a B.A. degree in Political Science, a B.S. degree in Accounting and is a Certified Public Accountant from the state of Missouri.