APL Colloquium

January 25, 2002

Colloquium Topic: Putting “M” in the Model: Measurement and Capability Maturity Model Integration

This presentation will describe the new CMMI (sm) framework with a specific focus on the role of measurement The talk provides some background on CMMI and introduces its structure and process areas. The speaker will also discuss how measurement plays a key role in the flow of information among the project management, process management, and information among the project management, process management, and engineering process areas. The talk will conclude with recommendation on how to effectively implement measurement in the context of the CMMI Framework.

Colloquium Speaker: David Zubrow

Dr. Dave Zubrow received his Ph.D in Social and Decision Sciences and M.S. in Public Policy and Management from Carnegie Mellon University. He is Team Leader for the Software Engineering Measurement and Analysis (SEMA) group within the Software Engineering Institute. His areas of expertise include empirical research methods, data analysis, and data management. In addition to managing the SEMA group, Dr. Zubrow's current projects include a study to assess the benefits of Model Based Verification, measures for product line adoption and management, and development of guidance for pilot projects using quasi-experimental design techniques. Since his arrival at the SEI in 1992, Dr. Zubrow has been a member of the CMMI Product Development Team, the lead developer of the Software Process Maturity Questionnaire, part of the development team for the Interim Profile appraisal method, and manager of the SEI Process Appraisal Information System. He co-authored technical reports entitled "Software Process Automation: Experiences from the Trenches," "Moving on Up: Data and Experiences doing CMM-based Software Process Improvement" and "Benefits of CMM-Based Software Process Improvement: Initial Results." Prior to joining SEI, Dr. Zubrow was Assistant Director of Analytic Studies for Carnegie Mellon University. His expertise and responsibilities centered on producing management information from the university databases. During the early and mid-1980's he served as the Research Coordinator for a group funded by IBM to study organizational and social impacts associated with the creation of a highly networked and computerized environment at Carnegie Mellon University. He is authorized by the SEI as an instructor for Implementing Goal-Driven Software Measurement, Introduction to the CMM, and Lead Assessor Training courses. He is also an authorized Lead Assessor. Dr. Zubrow serves on the Technical Steering Group for the DoD Practical Software Measurement Project and the Executive Steering Committee for the Data Analysis Center for Software. He is a member of the Editorial Board for the Software Quality Professional and chairs the committee on Metrics, Measurement, and Analytical Methods for the Software Division of the American Society for Quality. He is also an ASQ certified Software Quality Engineer.