APL Colloquium

February 6, 2009

Colloquium Topic: Me the Media: Rise of the Conversation Society

The introduction of two-way media has amounted to nothing less than a media revolution. Who really owns the media these days? What is the impact of new technologies on business and society in general? Who determines the corporate image of an organization? Who is really in charge of marketing? Internet, web2.0, new media and new generations making use of the social aspect of technology have drastically changed the environment within which organizations were comfortably operating. Web media have proven to be just as big a revolution as the first introduction of printed paper and electronic media. In this presentation we will discuss several trends that shape today’s society, show how they are combined and what your role could be in this new reality. With some inspiring examples we will see what is happening today, and we will explore what this could look like in the future. With Youtube, Myspace, Facebook and others, the Me-Media are here to stay. If you want to be ready for a business world that is extremely volatile, with a new balance of power and if you want to be of value there, this talk is for you.

Colloquium Speaker: Erik van Ommeren

Erik van Ommeren is Director of Innovation, Sogeti USA LLC. He is responsible for VINT (Vision – Inspiration - Navigation – Trends), the international research institute of Sogeti, in the USA. The VINT Research institute has published and organized events around topics such as Open Innovation/Crowdsourcing, new media developments, the business value of Information Technology and IT governance. The continuing theme of VINT research is how new technology is actually used and the resulting effects on society. Mr. van Ommeren is an analyst with a broad background in Information Technology with experience ranging from hands on use of many different technologies to executive management and trend-watching. Part of his time is spent advising organizations on transformation projects and innovation. Erik is also a trainer, speaker at seminars and author of several books and articles. He is an author of both ‘SOA for Profit – A manager’s guide to success with service oriented architecture’ and ‘Open for Business –Open Source inspired innovation’. Currently he is writing a new book on the topic of ‘Collaboration in the Cloud - how cross boundary collaboration is transforming business’.