APL Colloquium

November 5, 2010

Colloquium Topic: Architecting and Building a Secure Virtual Infrastructure and Private Cloud

The cloud is one of if not the hottest topics in IT today. With virtualization being the key technology behind the cloud, it is very important to understand the security aspects of virtualization, how it changes datacenter operations and the best practices to account for those changes as well as the concept of multi-tenancy in the cloud. In this session Rob Randell, CISSP will discuss key considerations in architecting and building a secure private cloud. Topics of discussions will be to define the private cloud, the concept of multi-tenancy, how to architect your private cloud to achieve secure multi-tenancy, key tools to help ensure isolation between tenants, and best practices in securing the underlying virtual infrastructure in which the private cloud runs.

Colloquium Speaker: Rob Randell

Rob Randell is a Staff Security and Compliance Specialist at VMware with over 15 years experience in IT and over 11 years in Security. Rob’s current role is to advise VMware customers on security related aspects of virtualization as well as speak at different security and virtualization events like VMworld and the RSA Security Conference. Rob came to VMware as part of the Determina acquisition where Rob was a Senior Systems Engineer where he was responsible for working with customers on the technical aspects of Determina’s next generation memory protection technology. Prior to Determina, Rob was a Senior SE at Webroot and prior to that Vericept which was the original player in the DLP space.