APL Colloquium

April 9, 2010

Colloquium Topic: Cybercrime Trends 2010

Mr. Cox will speak on recent cybercrime trends, focusing on issues relating to defining online crime; attributing online criminal activity; the importance of social engineering to online crimes; working with foreign governments in policing the Internet; current issues regarding online privacy; and the impact of technical issues such as data and communications encryption in 21st Century law enforcement.

Colloquium Speaker: Howard Cox

Howard Cox is presently an Assistant Deputy Chief of the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section of the Criminal Division of the US Department of Justice. Mr. Cox is responsible for supervising prosecutions of federal computer crimes throughout the United States. Mr. Cox received his JD degree from Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, DC, and his AB degree from Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ. Mr. Cox has written and taught extensively on matters relating to procurement and computer fraud. He is an adjunct Full Professor at George Washington University’s Department of Forensic Science where he teaches graduate level courses in computer security and computer forensics. He is also an instructor for the Government Audit Training Institute of the Graduate School, where he teaches courses on contract and procurement fraud.