APL Colloquium

March 30, 2012

Colloquium Topic: Pardon Me, but Your Paradoxes are Showing!

The universe is not paradoxical.  The only place where paradoxes about the universe exist is within our minds. The large and growing number of paradoxes involving the universe emerging from today’s science indicates that the next major scientific revolution is imminent, based on similar harbingers of prior physics revolutions which occurred during the 17th and 20th Centuries.  This one hour talk covers the physics of human perception, the role of paradoxes in illuminating its limitations, and new perspectives on the imminent revolution in physics and cosmology.

Colloquium Speaker: Scott M. Tyson

Scott M. Tyson is an award winning scientist and author who has devoted much of his 31-year career to developing new technological approaches at IBM, Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories. Long-recognized as a pioneering problem-solver and “big picture” futurist, he served as an advisor to the Office of the Secretary of Defense on space computing technology development and planning. Tyson received a 2011 “Who’s Who in Technology” award from New Mexico Business Weekly recognizing him as a key leader of scientific innovations in New Mexico’s technology sphere. His work continues to have a profound impact on the way scientists and laymen alike view themselves and the world around them. He lives in Albuquerque, NM.  Tyson is the author of The Unobservable Universe.