APL Colloquium

April 11, 2012

Colloquium Topic: Cyber Vision 2025: Air Force Cyber S&T Vision

The Air Force Chief Scientist, Dr. Mark Maybury, will briefly discuss completed and current efforts undertaken for the Secretary and Chief of Staff of the Air Force related to future S&T development strategies, Energy S&T, and Cyber S&T.

Colloquium Speaker: Mark T. Maybury

 Dr. Mark T. Maybury is Chief Scientist of the U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. He serves as chief scientific adviser to the Chief of Staff and Secretary of the Air Force, and provides assessments on a wide range of scientific and technical issues affecting the Air Force mission. In this role he identifies and analyzes technical issues and brings them to attention of Air Force leaders, and interacts with other Air Staff principals, operational commanders, combatant commands, acquisition, and science and technology communities to address cross-organizational technical issues and solutions. He also interacts with other services and the Office of the Secretary of Defense on issues affecting the Air Force in-house technical enterprise. He serves on the Steering Committee and Senior Review Group of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, or SAB. He also  is the principal science and technology representative of the Air Force to the civilian scientific and engineering community and to the public at large.

Dr. Maybury served on the SAB as Vice Chair of Science and Technology, Vice Chair of a study on remotely piloted aircraft, and member on SAB studies on commercial space, rapid on-orbit checkout, and operating in contested cyberspace. He also chaired a SAB Information S&T review and vice chaired a human effectiveness S&T review at the Air Force Research Laboratory. He has additionally served on studies for the Defense Science Board and the Intelligence Science Board. A former Air Force officer, Dr. Maybury is currently on a leave of absence as an Executive Director at the MITRE Corporation. He has edited or co-authored 10 books, authored more than 60 refereed publications, and been awarded several U.S. patents.