APL Colloquium

May 4, 2012

Colloquium Topic: Ignition Grants Cycle 3 Colloquium

Ignition Grants Cycle 3 proposers will present the results of their grants.

Colloquium Speaker: Ignition Grants Winners

Author: Jay White; Collaborators: Mike Conner, Matt Breiner, Jon Castelli, Jeff Barton, Tom Criss

Persistent Satellite Terminal
Author: Kirk Decker

Low Cost Personal Encryptor
Author: Justin Osborn; Collaborator: Bob Sherbert

Admins Assisting Admins
Author: Katie DeCampo; Collaborators: Linda Semmel, Angie Thomson, Carol Sylvis, Kristie Hurman

Capture the Flag
Author: Laura Nolan; Collaborator: Joshua A

Author: Alison Ebaugh; Collaborators: Christopher Perkins, Aaron Billups, Kimberly Glasgow