APL Colloquium

September 19, 2014

Colloquium Topic: Ignition Grants Central Spark Edition

The Ignition Grants Central Spark Edition prinicpal investigators will share their accomplishments with demos, presentations, and Q&A in the Central Spark (Building 17 Lobby).

Colloquium Speaker: Ignition Grants Winners

The principal investigators of the Ignition Grant Central Spark Edition ideas are listed below by ignition challenge:

Central Spark:  Enhance or Teach

Howard Feldmesser:  Basic Electronics for non-electronickers
Josh Steele:  Self Guided Central Spark Tours using iBeacons
Peter Thielen:  STEMware: An Open Hardware Platform for Biology Education

Central Spark:  Exploration Project

Chris Krupiarz:  SpaceDrone: Flying a Parrot AR.Drone with APL Spacecraft Flight Software
Dave Jansing:  Microcontrolled Synthetic Aperture Radar
Scott Almes:  SPARKNADO

Open Challenge

Steven Coleman:  Anti-Snowden Portable Media Management System