APL Colloquium

October 23, 2015

Colloquium Topic: The IBM Global Technology Outlook

The Global Technology Outlook (GTO) is IBM’s Research’s vision of the future for information technology and its implications on industries. This annual exercise highlights emerging software, hardware, and services technology trends that are expected to significantly impact the IT sector in the next 3-10 years. The GTO is a key strategy activity that involves people throughout the technical and business community worldwide and drives company-wide action plans. In particular, the GTO identifies technologies that may be disruptive to an existing business, have the potential to create new opportunity, and can provide new business value to our customers.

Colloquium Speaker: David McQueeney

Dave McQueeney is Vice President, Computing as a Service, at IBM Research. Dave is responsible for all the systems, software and services research that comes together to define the next generation of computational capability, platforms and delivery models.

Dave’s background covers a wide range of disciplines ranging from solid state Physics, to high-speed interconnect design, to distributed software development tools, to participation in a startup software company in Scientific Data Analysis, to Government-specific industry solutions. Dave has spent about half of his career as a researcher and research executive, and half in IBM’s customer-facing units including Global Services, Sales and Distribution and Software Group. Dave has been the CTO for IBM’s Federal business, the Global Government Solutions General Manager and leader of the IBM Federal Systems Integration services unit.

Throughout his career, Dave has driven strong connections between IBM Research and IBM’s clients, as well as the other units of IBM. Dave was recognized by Consulting Magazine as one of the top 25 consultants for 2002, citing his work to make the innovations of IBM Research directly available to customers via IBM’s Global Business Services unit.

Dave has held a number of other significant positions in IBM Research, including Director of the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Vice President of Communication Technology, Vice President of Technical Strategy, and Vice President of Software.

He joined IBM in the Research Division in 1988. He holds an M.S. and Ph.D. in Solid-State Physics from Cornell University, and an A.B. in Physics from Dartmouth College.

Dave was recognized as one of the “Fed 100” top leaders in the Federal community for 2006 by Federal Computer Week magazine.