APL Colloquium

October 20, 2006

Colloquium Topic: The Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group – Science Advisor’s Perspective

The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Strategic Studies Group (SSG) generates revolutionary naval warfare concepts for the future. A key to successful innovation is the iteration of thought between operators, technologists and analysts. The operator provides "unarticulated requirements" to the table. The technologist brings emerging and existing technologies. Analysis blends the two. Only after considerable iteration does new thinking, combining the unarticulated requirement and technology, result in what becomes major naval warfare innovations. The SSG provides this integration of diverse individuals and a dynamic network of operators, innovators and technologists to provide revolutionary innovation, a key to U.S. naval supremacy. Dr. Wilcox will provide an overview of the SSG and the innovation process that is unique to this group. Select examples of innovative naval warfare concepts developed by the SSG will be discussed. Dr. Wilcox will also discuss the importance of the joint role of science & technology and innovative operational concepts in maintaining U.S. naval supremacy in the 21st Century.

Colloquium Speaker: Robb Wilcox

Robb Wilcox serves as the Science Advisor to the Chief of Naval Operations' Strategic Studies Group (SSG). He is employed by the Office of Naval Research through an Intergovernmental Personnel Act agreement with JHU/APL. Dr. Wilcox is an Honors graduate in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. He served as Assistant Engineering Officer and Damage Control Assistant on the USCGC Decisive prior to several engineering tours in Marine Safety in the U.S. Coast Guard. After 10 years of service, Dr. Wilcox joined JHU/APL where he applied Systems Engineering knowledge and experience to projects in undersea warfare, space, and homeland security domains. Dr. Wilcox is also a risk expert with contributions to risk modeling and management in multiple domains. While at JHU/APL, Dr. Wilcox served as a part-time Systems Engineering instructor for the Whiting School of Engineering. He also served as Section Supervisor of the Human Systems Integration Section in the National Security Technology Department at JHU/APL for three years prior to reporting to the SSG. Dr. Wilcox received Masters of Science degrees in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and Mechanical Engineering from M.I.T. He also received a Ph.D. in Systems Engineering Management from the University of Maryland. Dr. Wilcox is a licensed Professional Engineer in Mechanical Engineering in the state of Virginia.