APL Colloquium

October 20, 2017

Colloquium Topic: From Innovation to Actualization: A Perspective from Silicon Valley

A Silicon Valley perspective on the actual meaning of innovation is presented.  A review of the innovation myths and innovation roadblocks is outlined, and then a “pathway to innovation” is offered.  An overview is given of the methodology on how to “present innovations for collaboration and funding”.  Pathway steps are outlined including Business Plan 101, Strategies for Innovation and Collaboration, the Value Proposition and the Elevator Pitch.

In conclusion two examples of innovation actualization are presented: the High Tech Consortium and California’s Innovation Hub for Defense, Energy and Aerospace. 

Colloquium Speaker: William Hogan

William A. Hogan, PhD is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur with over twenty-five years of success in founding and managing high-tech companies in the global computer and information technology industries.  As CEO at four high-tech start-ups he has successfully raised millions in venture capital funding and had exits including M&A, LBO and IPO. He has a strong background in worldwide markets including aerospace and defense, wireless, telecom, high-availability embedded systems, real-time systems, online information systems, and high-performance computing.  His companies have been leaders in the areas of dual-use technology for the military and aerospace industries, focusing on innovation, technology transfer and IP licensing. 

Working with the NAVAIR, NASA, and private enterprises in 2009 he established a nation-wide consortium comprised of over 1000 participants from universities, high-tech start-ups, venture capital, federal and national laboratories and military installations for the purpose of collaborations, bi-directional technology transfer, entrepreneurship, STEM activities and local economic development. In 2013 he co-founded California’s Innovation Hub for Defense, Energy and Aerospace serving as Executive Director and reporting to the California Governor’s Office. Working collaboratively with California’s universities, DOD facilities, National Laboratories and the private sector, IDEA Hub’s goal is to foster innovation and create economic growth.

Earlier in his career he was a physics professor at the Florida Institute of Technology, and a Fellow, Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) when he researched his thesis at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.  He is the author of over 40 published articles, books and white papers ranging from computer technology and software to physics and international marketing.

Bill is married, has two children, one grandchild and resides Columbia, MD. He can be contacted at:  billhogan999@gmail.com