Camille Daniel

Camille Daniel

Credit: APL

Press Release

APL Mathematician Receives Women of Color Technology Award

Camille Daniel, a mathematics and statistics analyst at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, will receive a 2016 Women of Color Technology Award for her accomplishments in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)-related fields. She will be among those honored in October during the in Detroit.

Introduced in 1987, the Women of Color STEM recognition program is designed to create a network of role models who can serve as inspiration to others, and provide women and ethnic minority groups with better access to STEM careers by showing them what it takes to get hired and to keep moving upward in their organizations.

Daniel’s award is in the “Special Recognition” category, which “represents a recognition of high merit, broad impact on people in many disciplines, and value to society as a whole,” according to the Career Communications Group, Inc., which administers the award.

Since joining APL in 2005, Daniel has had a major impact in several areas of importance to the Laboratory. She was assigned as the APL Liaison at Commander, Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and as the APL representative to the Naval Mine and Anti-Submarine Warfare Command (NMAWC) in San Diego, California. She also served as the operations manager, analyst and project manager for projects focused on defensive cyber for the latest generation of U.S. nuclear submarines.

She is currently a project manager in APL’s Force Projection Sector for a program investigating cyber resiliency and ship safety for Navy submarine platforms as well as the operations manager for an electronic warfare program, where she ensures that the work being done by the Laboratory is aligned with the sponsor and the Navy’s needs for its warfighters. She also serves as the assistant group supervisor for the Signal and Systems Analysis Group, a technical group of 60 professionals.

Daniel has been actively involved in APL’s community service and enrichment programs through her volunteer work for APL’s Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) program, the Black Faculty and Staff Association, the African American Culture Club and the Young Professionals Network at APL.

She has received many awards and much recognition over the course of her career at APL, including the 2015 Black Engineer of the Year Science Spectrum Trailblazer award, APL Diversity Awards (2007, 2015, 2016) and a 2010 Letter of Appreciation from Rear Adm. Scott Hebner, NMAWC Commander.

“She epitomizes our latest generation of highly talented and innovative scientists and engineers with her exceptional technical pioneering contributions and her commitment to community outreach to students of diverse backgrounds in order to introduce them to careers in engineering, science and mathematics,” wrote FPS’s John Barrett in his nomination letter.