Aerial view of the Hopkins Whiting Campus in Baltimore

Johns Hopkins Connection

Explore Cross-Divisional Collaborations

Partnering for Health

Through APL’s Global Heath Mission Area, we are teaming with Johns Hopkins Medicine, the Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the Whiting School of Engineering on an initiative to apply rigorous data analysis and systems engineering practices to the diagnosis and treatment of disease. The partnership leverages the medical and systems engineering expertise resident at the institutions to create a learning health system that will speed the translation of knowledge to practice while enabling new discoveries through the development and application of advanced analytic tools. Johns Hopkins Medicine has identified several challenging conditions for which precision medicine centers of excellence will improve efficiencies and patient outcomes, while fostering new research and treatment platforms.

Ph.D. Pathways

APL and the Whiting School of Engineering continue their partnership of providing a path for more Whiting School doctoral candidates to conduct their research at APL while offering flexibility for APL staff members seeking doctorates through the Whiting School. APL and JHU are currently exploring how to further increase the number and types of opportunities and reduce real and perceived bureaucratic impediments.

Joint Faculty Appointments

To make sure we provide sponsors with access to the most current and innovative thinking and research, APL supports joint academic appointments with many JHU schools and academic divisions—with the receiving the largest number. These collaborative efforts enable APL staff members, who hold appointments ranging from assistant professor to full professor, to spend up to 20% of their time collaborating and teaching with JHU faculty and graduate students.

Recent Collaborations