Johns Hopkins APL’s Sea Control Mission Area supports U.S. Navy and joint service missions, delivering essential capabilities to project military power on, under, and above the seas. We focus on four key areas to revolutionize maritime superiority: maritime domain situational awareness, kinetic and non-kinetic effects to deter aggressors and deescalate hostilities, force survivability against near-peer threats, and effective and affordable rapid prototyping and modernization. We develop and field innovative solutions that maintain global access for U.S. naval forces and deny adversaries use of the maritime domain.

Lisa Blodgett Sector Head, Force Projection
Learn more about Lisa Blodgett
Christopher Watkins Mission Area Executive, Sea Control
Learn more about Christopher WatkinsHighlights

Integrated Undersea Surveillance Systems
We are solving critical challenges for the Navy’s undersea surveillance community, making contributions such as active and passive sonar processing algorithms for inclusion in the Advanced Surveillance Build tactical sonar modernization program.
Learn more about Integrated Undersea Surveillance Systems

Submarine Survivability Program
The SSN/SSGN survivability program ensures our submarines stay hidden regardless of new technology, changing mission requirements, and increasingly sophisticated adversaries.
Learn more about Submarine Survivability Program

Swarming Uncrewed Surface Vehicles
APL, in collaboration with the Naval Air Warfare Center Port Hueneme Weapons Division, led a swarming uncrewed surface vehicle demonstration of advanced multivehicle autonomy at tactically relevant speeds.
Learn more about Swarming Uncrewed Surface Vehicles