Press Release

Inaugural National Health Symposium Event Summary Available

The official event summary for the inaugural National Health Symposium, held March 5–6 at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), in Laurel, Maryland, is available.

The event, sponsored by APL and the National Defense Industrial Association, brought together more than 160 experts from government, academia and industry to discuss ways that advances in research and development can translate into better delivery of health care. The symposium also allowed leaders in research and operations to explore the latest breakthroughs and identify practical approaches to engineering a vision for health care.

Several distinguished speakers were in attendance, including Vice Adm. Raquel Bono, director of the Defense Health Agency; Adm. Brett Giroir, assistant secretary for health, Department of Health and Human Services; and Dr. Antony Rosen, vice dean for research and professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

National Health Symposium Event Summary
Download Symposium Summary >>

Attendees had opportunities to network, view exhibits and demonstrations, and hear talks and panels that covered three impact areas:

  • Realizing the Promise of Health Sciences
  • Engineering the Future of Medicine
  • Delivering Health Everywhere

The event summary presents an overview of the conference and provides a snapshot of the discussions the conference tackled, including the critical issue of identifying obstacles to realizing scientific breakthroughs and defining a research agenda to overcome those impediments.

“A clear theme that emerged through every panel over the two days was that multidisciplinary teams are essential to solve the most critical health challenges — which is exactly the reason APL’s leadership in this area is critical,” said Sezin Palmer, APL mission area executive for National Health. “We have always focused on integrating across disciplines to bring the best capabilities to bear on the nation's most critical challenges.”

To download a copy of the 2019 Conference Event Summary, visit /NewsPublications.

Save the date! The 2020 National Health Symposium will be held April 21–22, 2020, at APL.