Press Release

Johns Hopkins APL Named a Computerworld ‘Best Place to Work in IT’

For the second consecutive year, the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, has been named one of IDG’s Computerworld Best Places to Work in IT.

Moving up five places from its 2018 debut appearance, APL was ranked number 11 among large organizations on the list. This year’s top 100 included 49 large, 29 midsize and 22 small organizations.

The Best Places to Work in Information Technology (IT) list is an annual ranking of the top 100 work environments for technology professionals created by IDG’s Computerworld. The list is compiled based on a comprehensive questionnaire regarding company offerings in categories such as benefits, career development, training and retention. In addition, Computerworld conducts extensive surveys of IT workers, and their responses factor heavily in determining the rankings.

“Once again, these are the results from surveying the Laboratory’s Information Technology Services Department (ITSD) staff members themselves, and creating a great work environment is something our staff achieved together,” said APL’s Michael Misumi, head of ITSD. “Making the Top 100 is a highly competitive process: for APL to make it two years in a row is quite an accomplishment, and to move up from #16 to #11 is fantastic. Our theme has been ‘Making a Difference,’ by serving our country, delivering for stakeholders and succeeding together. Clearly the Lab and ITSD staff feel we are doing that. I’m grateful to every one of them.”

APL’s Information Technology Services Department is committed to creating a digital workplace through agile, robust and secure IT that fosters innovative solutions for the Laboratory and its sponsors. Learn more about opportunities to join APL’s IT team at /Careers.