Public Information Requests

In compliance with federal regulations, members of the public may request information about financial conflicts of interest (FCOI) associated with principal investigators and senior/key personnel on Public Health Service (PHS) or Department of Energy (DOE) supported projects at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL). APL will respond within five business days of the receipt of the request. Under the pertinent regulations of the applicable grants, APL must provide FCOI information if:

  • A significant financial interest was disclosed to APL and is still held by the senior/key personnel; and
  • APL determined that the significant financial interest is related to the PHS or DOE funded research; and
  • APL determined that the significant financial interest is a FCOI under regulatory standards.

Requests must be submitted by completing this form. Completed forms must be emailed to Compliance@jhuapl.edu. A written response will be provided within five business days of a request if a FCOI has been identified by APL that meets the criteria identified above.