APL’s Discovery Program: Guest Editor’s Introduction
This issue of the Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest focuses on the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) Discovery Program, a 2-year rotational opportunity for new college graduates that consists of four rotation assignments spanning multiple technical areas across the Laboratory. In addition to featuring reflections from program alumni and host supervisors and an overview of the program’s training component, the issue highlights the technical contributions of some of the staff members who have been part of the program or are currently part of it. The articles in this issue showcase the core competencies of APL but also truly highlight the core tenets of the Discovery Program: broad exposure, career foundations, and professional connections. The articles amplify how the Discovery Program accomplishes its vision of a persistent, collaborative, and innovative network of impactful staff who will lead us into the future. Some of the staff members in the Discovery Program will enable APL’s future defining innovations.