Jay Brett and Jennifer Sleeman

AI for Tipping Point Discovery

Our Contribution

Artificial intelligence (AI) experts and oceanographers at APL are integrating AI with traditional climate modeling methods to empower scientific researchers with AI insights to better understand tipping points.

What Are Tipping Points?

Tipping points are critical thresholds that, once crossed, could “tip” a natural Earth system into an entirely different state. Studies suggest that these abrupt changes could potentially lead to irreversible, large-scale impacts for the planet.

Researchers have been working on ways to predict these climate tipping points to avoid crossing them in the first place. However, the impacts have remained difficult to capture with high resolution, accuracy, and confidence because of the complexity and dynamics of the interconnected Earth systems involved.

Models and Systems

AI Meets Oceanography

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Anand Gnanadesikan, Jay Brett, Jennifer Sleeman, and David Chung
AAAI 2023 Spring Symposium Series ACTD

Chace Ashcraft, Jennifer Sleeman, Caroline Tang, Jay Brett, and Anand Gnanadesikan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.11161

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