Brain (Credit: Bigstock)

Mapping the Brain for Machine Learning

Our Contribution

APL leads several test and evaluation efforts for the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity’s Machine Intelligence from Cortical Networks (MICrONs) project, launched to develop state-of-the-art machine-learning capabilities by modeling how the brain processes information. APL has developed a novel cloud-based capability for storing, accessing, and processing petabytes (millions of gigabytes) of neuroanatomical data—the Block and Object Storage Service—that enables researchers from across the nation to conduct large-scale neuroscience inquiries. Additionally, APL scientists oversee the processing of data collected from targeted neuroscience experiments and evaluate the performance of various algorithms to automate identification of neural connections. The technologies that APL developed under MICrONs are already being leveraged by the broader research community and serve as a foundation for our future BRAIN initiative work and similar programs with global reach.

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